Best Hair colorist Beverly Hills – going blonde

Blonde hair never seems to go out of style and in 2012 there are so many new ways to achieve a blonde look!  This spring and summer, the best bevy of golden hues incorporates a range of trendy touches, from subtle highlights to brassy roots.

Celebrities have access to the best hair colorists in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, but don’t despair.  You can be inspired by these incredible hair color experts and benefit from their artistry.  Just collect pictures of your favorite looks and bring them in to your own favorite hair colorist and stylist.  Discuss with your colorist how to get the right tones for your skin color, and the kind of effect you think this look will create.  If your hair colorist is up on the latest techniques and the latest technologies available in hair coloring, then they will be able to re-create your favorite celebrity look.  Below are some blonde inspirations.

Reese Witherspoon

Here is an example of the 2012 blonde.  Dark roots, sun-kissed ends and medium-blonde lowlights in between.  Reese Witherspoon is a flaxen blonde, but she decided to add something new to her classic look.

Madonna has long since backed away from her Marilyn wanna-be peroxided locks.   She is savvy enough to understand that those extremely ashy tones combined with the inevitable damage to the hair shaft would only make her look old now.


So instead, her 2012 blonde look includes buttery blonde highlights and darker reddish lowlights to keep her color dimensional, and create the illusion of lots of hair.

Emma Stone loves changing her hair color and she certainly has committed to the look with all-over, warmer-

Emma Stone

than-usual ash blonde Her delicate coloring make her a perfect candidate for this flaxen shade.

Joan Rivers is best known for comedy, and her cheeky attitude never goes out of style.  However she also cares tremendously about maintaining a fresh, youthful appearance and here she has a classic bob that has been dyed a delicate ash with slightly darker tones to the roots. For added fun she’s streaked in a subtle shade of cotton

Joan Rivers

candy pink.  It is a tribute to her hair colorist – from Beverly Hills of course – that I can even write that phrase “a subtle shade of cotton candy pink” with a straight face!  But somehow under his expert care her hot pink highlights are indeed subtle and tasteful. They certainly go well with the fur coat.

Discuss with your own favorite stylist the best shades of blonde for your skin tone.  Decide if you want to be an all-over blonde or a streaky blond with dark roots.  There are so many different techniques available these days to color your hair!  Have some FUN!