Hair Products for Men

Current styles in haircuts for men are far more complicated than they used to be.  They require better hair cutters and hair stylists.  They also need the latest in hair products for men  in order for you guys to look great every day, not just when you first leave the salon. Why?  The technology that goes into 2012 men’s hair styling products is light years beyond the days of hair gel and a comb.

Hair styles in 2012

Overall, in 2012, shorter hair is much more in vogue than longer hair – and the longest of the current longer styles must be very carefully cut and styled, using just the right hair products for men in order to look both contemporary and put together.

Facial Hair

How you choose to wear your facial hair with your current haircut is important.  All facial hair must be super short and very trimmed.  If you choose to go with the scruffy, sexy, “just rolled out of bed with no time to shave before I jumped into my Porsche” look – which is currently popular – it only works with short hair cuts.  Check out my blog on the the 2 days unshaved look, that details exactly how you should try to pull it off.  Because if anything sums up current hairstyles for men, it is how very carefully each look needs to be created and maintained.  Which is why you guys need to know a) what hair products are out there for you, b) which ones are good, and c) how to use them.

Now, some of the very worst hair products on the market today are formulated for men, because most of you don’t know any better.  Lets face it – most men are not accustomed to making decisions regarding the relative merits of their favorite brand of hair gel. Unfortunately this makes you nothing more than moving targets with bad hair.  Cheapo hair product marketers do not care that they are ruining what should be your best years as hotties.  However, I do care.  Hence my first and most important hair tips.

NO Grecian Formula!!!!!

That product is as bad as a comb-over, and about as effective.  Nothing says “I am trying to cover my gray hair and I have no idea how bad I look” like the mottled look of Grecian Formula on a man’s hair.  Why?  Because there is no such thing as washing in color and washing away gray over a two-week period.  All that really happens is that this dye takes partially on your gray, and partially means you don’t get brown or dark brown you get one part of that color – like green, or yellow, or orange.  Plus it takes differently on your non-gray hair so now your hair is multi-colored in a spotty, unattractive, but highly recognizable way.  I can spot Grecian Formula in a crowd of thousands.

If you need to color your hair, color it for real. Either do it yourself with real hair dye, or get it done for you by a professional hair colorist.

Get Color Protecting Shampoo

Once you figure out a strategy for coloring your hair properly, make sure you use a color
Minardi Wash #1protecting shampoo on it so that the detergents of your usual shampoo don’t partially strip the color from you hair, once again ruining the color and making it look fake.  I 
recommend Minardi Luxury Hair Care’s “Wash #1 keeping your hair looking healthy, your hair color will last longer, the hair color will be dimensional and full is the best strategy for a youthful, well-groomed appearance.

Hair Gel

Minardi-Gel-CocktailIf you use ANY of the drugstore gels out there – super hold, ultra hold, super max, whatever, you will end up looking like you have very bad dandruff. Those gels dry and flake in little white flakes. I used to wonder why so many men use Head and Shoulders, and why it never seemed to actually work. Now I know why. The cheaper hair gels damage the hair by drying it and promoting breakage. So for hair gel, I recommend Minardi Luxury Hair Care’s,“Gel Cocktail”.

These are the basics that every guy should know – for information on more products and how to use them click here to check out my other blog on Hair Products For Men.


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